Saturday, April 16, 2011

FTJ, Entry 72: In Cowboy Country

On our last day in San Antonio, we had to experience some of the Fiesta San Antonio at Market Square, a small part of the town's annual party that began in 1891 as a way to honor the memory of the heroes of the Alamo and Battle of San Jacinto.

Lots of crowds and loud music, but fun.

There were many crazy hats. Just two examples.

This here cowboy enjoyed the grazin' at the various food vendor booths.

Joyce and I do not know who these guys are.

A view of the crowd, with Joyce and Dave in the foreground.

The next day we were off to Kerrville, in hopes of finding real cowboys and bluebonnets -- a wildflower that Texas is famous for. 

We got to see more hills, and more beautiful vistas on the way. We also ran into Welfare and Comfort. But no bluebonnets. We heard they were not really in bloom this year due to the extreme cold the state had experienced, but held out hope. No luck.

A cute photo of Buddy sleeping on the trip.

We had one issue during the trip to Kerrville -- the crosswinds wreaked havoc with our awning and we had to pull over to allow Beau to fix it. It's always something!

We arrived at the fabulous Buckhorn Lake RV Resort just around lunch time. 

Our sites are huge and look out at a lovely arroyo with -- aha! -- bluebonnets on the bank. Pretty much the only ones we have seen so far.

Joyce and Dave arriving.
The front office and general store.

The barn, where we enjoyed breakfast on Saturday morning.

The view from our sites.

The RV lineup!

Our site.


Yee ha! A Visit to the Cowboy Capital of the World

On Saturday we ventured through the hills to Bandera, which is known as the Cowboy Capital of the World. A large number of famous rodeo cowboys live in Bandera, a small town that tries to retain that Old West flavor.

A real Texas longhorn we saw on the way!

Another kind of longhorn when we got to town.

Beau and Dave at the Bandera Visitor Center.
(We took the dogs, which might have been a mistake.)

Various views of Bandera.

How much is that Jackelope in the window?

A hokey yet cool highlight of the day was a cowboy skit performed on one of the town streets. A real shoot 'em up! (Which frightened the dogs, unfortunately.)

We came home tired, but all in all had a nice time in the Cowboy Capital of the World.

(Buddy didn't want the trip to end. This is him not wanting to come into the RV, afraid we are going to leave him.)

Tanks, Panky

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