Friday, March 23, 2012

FTJ, Entry 141: The Latest from Carrabelle

We have had a great string of sunny days, and more action than usual.

First, Beau and I went out to Bald Point State Park and Alligator Point. Not much there except additional beautiful beaches and some beach houses, many of which looked unrented/uninhabited. This whole area is REALLY quite undeveloped.

Alligator Point

We had a picnic at Bald Point State Park.

The next day or so, someone (I think it was Kay) from the RV park organized a group luncheon down at a local restaurant, where the oysters are $4.99 a dozen. Twelve of us went and had a terrific time, as usual.

From left, Ron, Kay, Carl, Bev, Bob (?), Ina Jane, Kenny, Ardee, Ruth, Carl, me, Beau--oh, and of course, Buddy.

Outside the restaurant, Beau was intrigued by an old Harley Davidson motorbike.

We also took a drive out to St. George Island State Park. Not much out there, folks.

A Visit from Old Friends
The best news of the week: We were very excited this past Monday when our old friends Jack and Allison arrived here for a visit. We had not seen them since October, and we are having a wonderful time beaching it and hanging out together. We will be sad to see them go on Saturday morning!

What better after a long drive than a Bud and a Painkiller? They drove all the way up here from Hutchinson Island in south Florida. So great to see them!

On Carrabelle Beach.

Allison adjusting her i-pad under a towel.

What can I say?

Buddy took a shine to Jack!
On the flats at Carrabelle Beach. At low tide, the eastern end of the beach becomes an exposed sandbar.

We're gonna need a bigger boat. Outside the Tin Shed shop during our visit to Apalachicola.

If you look closely, you will see a white cup holder insert flying in the air right alongside the totem pole in the background. Every time Jack sat on this "boat bench," the cup holder would be expelled from its hole in the deck and fly like a small rocket into the air. Very funny.
At the Blue Parrot on St. George Island.
Same place, different faces!

Jack and Beau had a "steak dinner" bet on the Super Bowl -- Jack's Pats lost, of course, so he paid up his bet at the Crooked River Grill restaurant. Thanks, guys! Dinner was great.

Jack's dessert.

Of course, one of the highlights of the Condlins' visit was the RV park's Burger Bash on Friday. Beau made his "rustic" coleslaw. Activities Empress Ruth and her team did a great job -- again.

And another thing....

Hmmm. what else is going on? Oh -- a BIG disappointment. Alas, we will have to leave the area before we can go to the 12th annual Worm Gruntin' Festival in nearby Sopchoppy. Now THAT would have been a great blog topic.

Tanks, Panky

You can't make this stuff up

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