Thursday, May 19, 2011

FTJ, Entry 82: Bryce Canyoneers? Well, Not Exactly...

Another (mainly) pictorial entry, showing you the amazing Bryce Canyon. And our hike from hell...

On the way to Bryce Canyon from Moab -- vast vistas all the way. I like the bird in flight.

After about four hours, we arrived at Ruby's Campground, right outside the National Park.

Ruby's has a monopoly on the campground, the grocery store, the lodge--you name it.
There is almost nothing else in Bryce Canyon.

Some of the amazing views in the canyon:

Huffing and Puffing Hikers

And now, photos from our hike. Below -- FAR below -- is the path we took, way, way down there. 

We descended about 800 feet in a series of sharp switchbacks, not thinking about how we were going to have to COME BACK UP. I hoped that we would loop around and come out a different way, but unfortunately, we screwed up on our directions and ended up having to backtrack nearly 2 miles. At one point during the return, going up a seemingly never-ending incline at 7,000 feet above sea level -- my asthmatic lungs and out-of-shape old heart working beyond capacity -- I told Beau I wasn't going to make it. I told him that he would have to arrange to Medevac me out. But he was very supportive, making sure I took it easy. And with frequent stops to catch my breath, I ultimately emerged from the hellhole.

(Hey, even our athletic, in-shape pals Dave and Joyce -- who hiked it all much faster than we did -- had issues making the long, long climb back up.)

Dave stands on the turn of one of the many switchbacks taking us down to the hiking trail.


On the way down...astounding!


Canyoneer Beau

Dave holds up a hoodoo on the way down.

On some level ground, before the arduous return journey. All smiles here!


A very pretty treed archway.

It was a tough hike, but we did take time to appreciate the glories of nature in the canyon.
Just stunning.

Almost all the pictures I took are on the way down the trail. (The way back -- which was mostly UP --  I could barely breathe, let alone fiddle with a camera.)

After returning and recovering, we ate our picnic lunches and then drove around the park, exploring some other spectacular overlooks.

One of the many overlook points in the canyon. Note the elevation, folks.

At another overlook.

Two pretty views -- Joyce and Bryce. Hey - their names are even similar.

The following day, Dave and Joyce hiked an even more challenging trail. They are amazing. We wimped out, as you might expect.

 Below, Ruby's grocery/restaurant/store combo.

Tired canyoneers! The hiking champions of the world, taking a well deserved break for dinner at Ruby's.

Oy - the Weather!

On the day we left Bryce -- MAY 17 -- we woke up to SNOW. Yes, SNOW. In MAY.

Snow covered sites. Get me outta here!
As you might surmise, I was happy happy happy to leave Bryce. Glad we all got to see it, of course. 

Next time, shots of Zion, our present location.

Tanks, Panky

P.S. -- I need to get to a city and civilization soon!

1 comment:

  1. WOW !! Great pictures - Hope you have recovered from the hike - I'm so enjoying your trip - I can only imagine how exciting it is in person. Take care...

