Saturday, April 7, 2012

FTJ, Entry 144: Webe Panamanians Now

Sweet mother of God, the Boo was finally fixed (one thousand, nine hundred and sixteen freakin' dollars later, people!) and we departed Carrabelle early Friday afternoon. After two months there, as lovely as it was, we were more than ready to move on.

After all our pals departed, Buddy and I were perhaps becoming a bit depressed at Carrabelle....I think those tissues were used snotrags from our crying jags.

We said goodbye to new friends Ross, Mary and their dog Bebe, and, as Beau would say, "in a cloud of donkey dust" took our leave. Adieu, adieu, Carrabelle.

A nice view during the trip.

In a little over 2 hours, we arrived at Panama City Beach. 

The Report from PC Beach
Panama City Beach is very lively, very nice. Fortunately, the spring break is winding down here, but the traffic along the beachfront is still quite horrendous. Really, though, what do we care? It isn't like we need to get anywhere urgently. And it is entertaining to see the kids walking in groups on the sidewalks, bikinied and barefooted (and more than likely blitzed). Well, a bit more entertaining for Beau, perhaps.

Just an aside: The Boo had seemed fine, but we now intermittently hear a new and strange noise coming from the back rear tire area. What next? Shudder, shudder.

Our new place, the Panama City Beach RV Resort, is very nice, and quite upscale, with large paved sites and a convenient location across the street from the beach. Somewhat like the Carrabelle Beach RVC Resort, actually, except with a lot more retail surrounding it. We are here until the end of the month.

By coincidence, a couple we met briefly in Carrabelle -- Don and Marge -- are also here. We are heading out to dinner with them tonight, since they leave tomorrow.

Our site at PC Beach.

There is a Dutch Star RV like ours right across from us, but it has come down with some horrendous engine disease. I hope it's not catching....

Keep yer distance, infected one!

Marge and Don, whom we met in Carrabelle.

We took a walk to see the famous beach, and it is certainly impressive. And blinding white in the sun. The weather is mid to high 70s and perfect.

As for the town of Panama City Beach, there are tons of things to do (translation: spend money on). And the best part? Real stores/nice stores.  I, who hate grocery shopping, almost collapsed with joy when we went to Publix for some supplies. I had some sort of weird papaya exposure attack, right in the produce aisle. Then, just seeing a bottle of my pomegranate/blueberry Trop50 juice nearly gave me a seizure. I should have taken my re-exposure to civilization in stages, I suppose. A real shock to the system, but wonderful nonetheless. (I was not alone: I think Beau cried a little when he saw the maple walnut coffee cake in the Publix bakery.)

We're ba-a-a-ck, baby! Let the spending orgy begin. Visit us in the poorhouse.

I love these beach houses. Very Key West.

Oh Yeah -- the Oddities...
Finally, I have been neglecting to include any new oddities during our travels, so here are just a few:

I'm sure that fried gizzards would solve my life problems. Might be worth a try.

Love the "inside dinin, food ta go" catch phrases.
PC Beach mini golf decor.

And below, my personal fave of these newest oddities. I saw him on the street, and exclaimed, "He's sexy and he knows it -- good for you!" He said nothing, but gave me a little Mona Lisa smile, which really charmed me, so then I asked if I could take his photo. Mr. Self Confidence, saying not a word, just turned around and posed.

How adorable is he? The shirt says "SEXY AND I KNOW IT." And oh mama, check out those socks!
Ya gotta love teenagers. I laugh every time I look at his legs. Too cute.

Till next time.  Big hug and a Happy Easter to all of our friends, old and new.

Tanks, Panky

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear that you FINALLY got Boo and arrived in PC safely. Was wondering how you made out with the car - it's a Boo alright- Boo Hoo on the $$ part! Pics of PC are great - have always wanted to take a trip over there and just spend the nite in a hotel. Beach is superb! Have a great time friends - miss seeing both of you and Buddy too!
    Ruth and Carl
