Friday, October 8, 2010

FTJ, Entry 16: Walking the Mall in Our Nation's Capital

We got our exercise today, walking nearly the entire length of Washington DC's National Mall, then to Arlington Cemetery. Because we had just the one day -- and it was a beauty -- we decided to stick to outdoor sightseeing (Buddy could not join us on this outing and we were both depressed!). The long walk was a pleasure under the bright azure sky, in 70-plus degrees cooled by a lovely breeze.

Below, a collection of photos -- I tried to also load a video of the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, but I think it might have been too long. Next time, I will make shorter clips and see if they load better.

A quick note about our trip from Gettysburg to DC - we took a wrong turn due to confusing directions from MapQuest, and ended up in a rather unsavory area outside Frederick, MD. I dug up an old map of Maryland and together we got the heck out of there!
That was the final straw -- we went to Best Buy and bought a pricey "trucker's GPS." Hope this will help us stay on course. Especially since we blew our budget on it. (Wish us luck figuring out how to use it.)

Had to share this picture of Beau and the Prez. For those of you who know Beau, you understand what my hubby is thinking -- much of which is unprintable.

Beau and an "eraser" in the National Gallery's Sculpture Garden.
Beau and the Washington Monument
Beau on Pennsylvania Avenue

At the WWII Memorial, then Arlington Cemetery, outside the tomb
The view from the Lincoln Memorial
The WWII Memorial; National Archives; in the National Gallery Sculpture Garden

Guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
This morning we are off to West Virginia. Why, you ask?  No clue! Let you know next time.

Tanks, Panky

1 comment:

  1. Sophie is thrilled that you are going to WV. Take great pics, especially if you see horses!
